12 ways to maintain health by eating healthy foods

1. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables

This dietary advice is the most important. Fruits and coarse vegetables contain many health-promoting substances and if you eat enough, the risk of many different diseases is drastically reduced. You should eat 600 grams of fruits and vegetables a day or about five pieces. Fruits and vegetables contain a lot of nutrients – such as antioxidants, phytochemicals, dietary fiber and vitamins. You can not get most of them in pill form. If you think the amount of fruits and vegetables is large, then think about what benefit they do. The list of positive qualities could be any length, but we have selected some benefits:

a) Weight loss

Fruits and vegetables lower the fat content and energy density of the diet so that it is easy to lose weight. You will achieve a better result with your weight loss if you eat more fruit and vegetables while cutting back on fat.

b) Better circulation

Fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, which counteract atherosclerosis. They reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease – and not least impotence.

c) Less training pain and better training effect

Sports and exercise increase the need for antioxidants and eating a diet high in fruits and vegetables is the best way to cover the need.

d) Many vitamins

Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of especially vitamin C, vitamin A, vitamin E, vitamin B6 and folic acid.

e) Better blood sugar control

Fruits and vegetables contain special dietary fibers that contribute to a more stable blood sugar level – and thus a much more stable energy level both physically and mentally.

2. Replace the fat with something better

This dietary advice is to replace fatty foods with low-fat ones that are as similar as possible. It lowers the fat content of the diet without you feeling that you are giving up anything. This advice is especially important if you want to lose weight and have a tendency to be overweight. The replacement principle is simply that you replace the fatty products you eat now with something else that contains a smaller proportion of fat. So you should not just iron out everything that contains fat in your diet. This way you avoid eating too much fat and your food becomes healthier while you can continue to eat your fill and satisfied.

Replace these foods from today:

Replace your fatty toppings with something lean that resembles the old ones as much as possible, both in terms of appearance and taste. Switch to cold cuts with green keyhole.

Stop with chips, eat salty chopsticks instead.

Replace the fatty cheese with one with a lower fat percentage.

Use healthy vegetable oils instead of butter and margarine in cooking.

3. Exercise more

It may sound strange that “exercise” is a dietary advice, but diet and exercise are intimately linked to a good and healthy lifestyle. They are both very important and affect each other in many different ways. If you exercise, you will have a greater desire to eat healthy. Exercise also means that you can better tolerate sometimes eating a little too much fat. If you exercise regularly, your body will be better equipped for dietary extravagances a little now and then.

4. Eat lots of whole grains

Whole grain products include wholemeal bread, cereals such as All Bran Flakes, Fitness and muesli, brown rice, wholemeal pasta and bulgur. Whole grains are healthy because they contain large amounts of carbohydrates, especially in the form of starch, and have a low fat content.

5. Revel in seafood

Seafood contains many nutrients that can sometimes be difficult to get enough of. These are in particular n-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, iodine and selenium. N-3 fatty acids and vitamin D are found mainly in fatty fish and fish spreads of fatty fish (for example herring, salmon and mackerel), while iodine and selenium are found in both seafood, no matter how fatty they are. The sea delicacies also contain protein and a wide range of important vitamins and minerals that are not found in other animal foods or vegetable products. Due to the risk of heavy metals, pregnant women in particular are wise to vary between fatty and lean products from the sea.

6.Eat meat – but reduce the fat

Meat fat is not good for the body, so you should try to avoid it. However, just like dairy products, meat also contains a number of very important nutrients. Lean meat is a good source of protein, iron, zinc, magnesium, chromium, molybdenum, vitamin B6, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine and vitamin B12. You can use both pork and beef if you choose the lean pieces – for example ham schnitzel and beef fillet. You can safely continue to eat chicken and turkey – but avoid the skin.

7. Eat as much as you can – and often

Good news for you who like to eat. Many people think that the biggest problem with our eating habits is that we eat too much. However, eating smaller amounts of food will not make you healthier or slimmer. Rather the opposite. If you eat the right kind of food, then you should probably eat more food than you do now. Healthy, low-fat food with lots of whole grains and coarse vegetables fills the plate more than unhealthy, fatty food.

8. Be a moderate sweet pig

A moderate consumption of sugar and sweets means that you avoid excessive mood swings and as long as eating sweets does not dominate, and the food is useful and varies in general, a little gluttony can make it easier for you to keep a low-fat menu and for a long time to come. It is easier to stay on the narrow path if you allow yourself to sin from time to time. Sugar saturates better and stimulates metabolism better than fat. However, it is important to choose the right sweets, which do not hide a lot of fat, such as chocolate.

9. Get drunk – on water

Your thirst means that you do not die of dehydration, as long as you have water within reach. But it is not reliable if you want to keep your fluid balance optimal and constant – and you want to. Once you feel thirsty, you have already spent some time on a low flame with half-empty thoughts. The thirst always comes a long time after you really should have drunk. Before you drink again, you do not function optimally since the fluid balance has a great impact on both your physical and mental condition. Drinking water is a matter of habit and routine in your everyday life – two liters of fluid a day is actually on the low side.

10. Watch out for the milk

Milk fat is perhaps the most useless thing in our diet. There are large amounts of the saturated fatty acids that increase cholesterol levels, which in turn can lead to atherosclerosis. It is necessary to do in the month to keep the consumption of milk fats. Apart from fat, various dairy products, however, contain many useful nutrients – especially protein, calcium, B vitamins, zinc and magnesium in large quantities. Therefore, you can safely choose the lean alternatives, such as skimmed milk, light filet, kesella and, to a limited extent, sugary varieties such as chocolate skimmed milk and light yoghurt.

11. Eat fat – but only healthy

Many people believe that the less fat they eat, the healthier they eat. But that is not the whole truth when it comes to food and nutrition. As a rule, it is unhealthy to get too much or too little of something. It also needs fat. We have learned for years that eating too much fat is harmful and fat-forming. But it may not be as well known that it is also harmful to eat too little fat. The best thing for most people is to find a good fat balance, which in practice means eating moderate amounts of fat. It is important to follow the reasons:

Fat builds up important energy stores

Fat is a must for vitamin absorption.

Grease keeps the skin supple.

A little fat in the food emphasizes the flavors.

In addition, it is very important to use the useful fats. Vegetable oils with a high content of polyunsaturated fatty acids are useful – for example, corn oil, sunflower oil and grape oil.

12. Eat salt in moderation

It has been shown that it is not as important to cut down on salt as previously thought. But it is still something to think about and keep in mind. Above all, people who are at risk of developing high blood pressure should consider eating less salt in their food.

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