How well do you eat – really?Test Yourself Now

Are you eating enough fruit and vegetables? Should you cut down on eating out? Or is your last sweets? Take our simple test – and get answers immediately.

Regardless of whether you need to gain or lose weight or just want to “keep zero”, it can be good to think about what your eating habits actually look like. Maybe the scales haven’t moved in ages, or are constantly gaining or losing weight without understanding why. Maybe you can vary but still need to increase or decrease something to get more nutrition.

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With our simple personality test below, we hope to give you a hint . Not all options may be suitable, but choose the ones that suit you as well as possible and try to answer honestly.

1) How many times a day do you eat?

a) I eat breakfast, lunch, dinner and a snack.

b) I don’t eat much breakfast, but all the more for lunch and dinner.

c) For breakfast there is coffee, I never have time for lunch and for dinner there are cheese sandwiches.

2) What is your favorite food?

a) I prefer light food, like sushi or salad.

b) It’s different, but homemade is always best.

c) I love fast food, like pizza or hamburgers.

3) What do you prefer to drink with food?

a) Plain water.

b) Milk or juice.

c) Juice, soda, beer or wine.

4) How often do you eat vegetables?

a) At least twice a day, for lunch and dinner.

b) I have green salad and tomatoes for dinner basically every day.

c) Vegetables? Does the cucumber on the cheese sandwich count?

5) How often do you eat out?

a) During the week I eat lunch boxes, sometimes I eat out on the weekends but not always.

b) At least four times a week, either for lunch or dinner.

c) Almost always, both for lunch and dinner.

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6) Towards the afternoon it is easy to get hungry, what do you eat then?

a) I take a fruit.

b) I always have a bag of nuts in my desk drawer that I snack on throughout the day, so I’m never hungry in the afternoon.

c) I clean the cupboards in the staff kitchen for cookies.

7) What do your weekends look like?

a) Much like weekdays.

b) It varies, but I often eat out one of the evenings.

c) Then I have no inhibitions without permission.

8) How often do you eat sweets, snacks or drink soft drinks?

a) Once in a while if I feel like it.

b) From time to time, but only on weekends.

c) A couple of times a week. – plus the weekend, of course.

9) You are invited to a three-course dinner, what do you do?

a) I skip sauce, alcohol, and dessert, and focus on vegetables and fruit.

b) I eat everything but usually leave a little on the plate.

c) I take a lot of everything, I get invited!

10) What do you prefer to eat with you at the cinema?

a) Nothing special.

b) I buy organic popcorn.

c) Both popcorn, soft drinks, and sweets.

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Dietitians’ recommendations
Most a? You should think about this:

Have you peeked into the results? Your eating habits are good and neither food nor sweets seem to be a big problem for you. You eat what you need and want and don’t let different situations influence your choice of food. Just remember that it’s not just nutrition and energy – remember to enjoy it too.

Most b? You should think about this:

Interesting, your eating habits seem to switch from high to low. On the one hand, it could be that you have found a balance that works for you and that you feel good about. On the other hand, if you want to, you can achieve big health and weight results if you make a few small changes. Cut back on eating out, increase the amount of vegetables and root vegetables, and be sure to eat regularly every day.

Most c? You should think about this:

My recommendation is to try to get a little more order in everyday life. Make sure to eat breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. Try bringing lunch boxes to work, make sure you eat some vegetables every day, and don’t let the weekend become a marathon of eating and drinking. In addition, you don’t have to eat as soon as the opportunity arises.

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