How to Train Your Parrot to Talk: A Step-by-Step Guide

Parrot talk training is an essential aspect of owning a parrot. It enables you to communicate and understand your parrot better. Parrots are intelligent creatures that can learn to communicate with humans using words and phrases. However, teaching them to talk requires patience, consistency, and the right techniques. The first step in parrot talk training … Read more

How long do pigeons live

Pigeons, also known as rock doves, are a common sight in cities and towns around the world. These birds are known for their adaptability, intelligence, and strong homing abilities. But how long do they live? The average lifespan of a pigeon is around 5-7 years, although some individuals may live longer. In captivity, pigeons can … Read more

How To Train Your Brittany Puppy

Here, a dog behavior consultant offers her recommended program for training a Brittany pup (what to train, when to train). The Canine Behavior Consultants Method for Training a Brittany Spaniel involves teaching specific words in a certain manner, to ensure your dog does not just learn the words but develops a respectful attitude that makes … Read more

How to train your cat to be a therapy cat?

Can cats be used for therapy?  According to Lynette Hart, Professor at the UC Davis School of Veterinary Medicine,  the quality of relationships that you have enjoys affects your emotional wellbeing enormously. That is because humans are made to relate with others and feel secure when others support us.  Why is it therapeutic to own … Read more